Award for our Customer Service

A large research company has carried out a survey for a well-known Italian journal. Each respondent had to evaluate the companies in their respective categories and thanks to the votes received, Motorsotock is on the podium for our Customer Service.

The results obtained from the survey, published in a well-known magazine and also online, involved over 18,500 consumers who forma anonymously gave their opinion on the customer service offered by companies divided into 210 categories, including the Motors and Sports category.

Each interviewee had to have used a service or purchased a product in the last 3 years and here is the result, the respondents voted our Customer Service positively, giving us the opportunity to get on the podium and win the 2nd place in the category: Online Motorcycle Accessories.

Each person interviewed evaluated the competitors according to four evaluation criteria: availability, customer orientation, professional competence and willingness to advise.

Thanks to the score received we were able to have this precious award of which we are very proud, because it is like having received a THANK YOU from all of you for the commitment we put into our work and especially in the attention to all our customers.

THANK YOU from all the staff of motorstock